Consultancy clients have included:
Gwynt y Môr OFTO
Kinectrics UK Limited
Jenner & Block London LLP
Clyde and Co. LLP (Moyle Interconnector)
Ashurst LLP
Pinsent Masons
LS Cable and Systems, South Korea
Landis+Gyr, Switzerland
Northwest Electricity, UK
Areva, UK
Artificial Muscle, USA
University of Wolverhampton, UK
AWE, Aldermaston, UK
CNRS, France
University of Manchester, UK
ABB, Switzerland
Schneider Electric, France
The Open University, UK
La Société Européenne des Satellites, Germany
Power Technology (Nottingham), UK
Research contracts have included cooperation with:
National Grid (UK)
National Power (UK)
Electricité de France (France)
TenneT bv (The Netherlands)
Nexans (France)
Electrocabel (Belgium)
Gestore della rete di trasmissione nazionale SpA (Italy)
Pirelli (Italy)
Deakins (UK)
Lodge Cotterel (UK)
Borealis (Sweden)
Schneider Electric (France)
Centro Elettorecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto (Italy)
Electrobel (Belgium)